2024 Massachusetts School Breakfast Report Card
This report ranks the state’s high-poverty schools (those with 60%+ of student populations qualifying for free/reduced-priced meals) on their school breakfast participation rates – a measure of success for alleviating childhood hunger.
Despite the School Meals for All act signed into law by Governor Maura Healey in May 2023, breakfast participation rates among the highest need schools dropped to 48% in SY 23/24, compared to 58% in SY 19/20. Nearly 150,000 low-income students are still missing out on a nutritious morning meal each school day.
By moving breakfast to After the Bell when students are in attendance, everyone has equal access to the meal and participation soars leading to better academic and health outcomes for kids. If all high-poverty schools adopted and ran optimal After the Bell programs, they would draw down an additional $67 million in USDA funds to cash-strapped district nutrition departments statewide.
To learn more, click here.
~ Chicopee School District working to make breakfast more accessible for students. See the article here.